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Diclo Pan C

Composition: (Liquid)

Effective quantity class
Diclazuril 10gm
vitamin A, Vitamin D3. Vitamin E, Vitamin K3. Vitamin C. Vitamin B12 Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2
Propylene glycol 100 gm
• A super strong preparation that works against coccidiosis in poultry
• A preparation that works to prevent bleeding resulting from the disruption of the intestinal wall as a result of coccidiosis
• It increases the efficiency of digestion processes and thus improves the rate of absorption of nutrients
• A supportive treatment for coccidiosis that increases the efficiency of the affected bird and maintains its productivity
• Metabolic stimulant to counteract low rates of feed intake under the influence of coccidiosis
• It has a quick effect to prevent the destruction of intestinal cells and also supports the healing process
• It increases the health and safety of the intestines, which reduces the incidence of coccidiosis 
• Improves the feed conversion ratio and increases the appetite of birds during coccidiosis
• Group of vitamins
- Maximizing the utilization of nutrients - inhibiting the effect of toxins by stimulating metabolism 
- A growth stimulant and a weight enhancer - Improving metabolic processes
• Broad spectrum anti-coccidial (water and forage)
Add to water at a rate of 0.5-1 ml/liter of drinking water for 2-3 days It is added to the feed at the rate of 1 liter/ ton of feed
1 liter

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